Witty Aboleth Pun

Welcome back to Reasonable Creations, the blog where I struggle and fail to come up with a passable title every post.  It’s getting pretty sad. BUT that’s not why you’re here. You’re here for an aboleth mini. What’s an aboleth I hear a single person ask? Well.

Aboleth are rare and insidious monsters. They come in various flavours of “slimy” and “tentacled” and the average size of a fully grown aboleth is around 20 feet long. Think giant squid but meaner.  They live underground, usually in or at least near a water source.  Because of this they tend to amass armies of slave creatures that live nearby in the underdark. Oh, did I not mention?

They also have a really rude habit of ensnaring people, or other monsters, with their mind control abilities. That’s right, a massive PSYCHIC squid who just wants to rule over all.  Really they’re just the worst, and make great BBEGs as a result.

Your new BBEG:

Not goofy at all 

And a video that better shows off the figure pre gloss:

It was a nice surprise that this was easy to make.  I used DM Scotty’s toilet paper and pva/water technique, so lots of credit goes to him. If you haven’t heard of that technique, it’s simple and it was used to form 90 percent of this model. All you do is mix pva with some water ( I didn’t even measure, just thinned it out) and dip rolled up toilet paper into it. Then you can mould whatever shapes you like and when it dries (took mine overnight) you have the pieces of your mini.

To break it down even further, I made the torso and each tentacle separate pieces. After they hardened I hot glued them together, cut notches out of the face for eyes, and pushed pushpins into the notches for the eyeballs. There’s not much else to it really.

I also decided to try a new thing. I had run out of large bases and noticed that a lid from a pasta sauce jar was the perfect size. So I spray primed it and painted it black. Not my favourite base but it works in a pinch.

Finally, I painted it all up.  I went with the standard sea monster colours and added a layer of gloss sealer to finish it off. Now to throw it at my party!
