About the Author

About the author?  What do I even write?  I make crafts as a hobby, I'm not the most exciting person.  I was always the quiet kid obsessed with Lord of the Rings.  Now I'm just a nerdy guy who likes to play games, read, write and craft very tiny but very mediocre game pieces.  I'm pushing 30 and live in Canada with my beautiful wife

and our two cats Luna (left) and Lucy (right.)
 I started playing DnD in highschool and having always been the nerdy kid it hooked me instantly.  I've now been DMing for years and it's what got me started crafting things that I could use in my own home games.  They started off very bad.  Some would argue that they still are.

This blog simply started as a way for me to keep a record of the things I'd been making, and it's now grown into sharing ideas with others (lame and cheesy, I know) and improving my admittedly mediocre skills.  With any luck this niche of the internet will keep growing and attract more interested (and nice!) people.