Dollar Store Demon

Welcome back, this time around we're going to be making a demon from a mish-mash of spare parts.  I'd like to be clear that your demon probably won't look exactly like mine, and that's OK.  It all depends on what you can grab from your dollar store and what spare pieces you have on hand.  Plus you can always change anything for personal preference. Maybe you want bird wings instead of what I used.  Here we go:

Gross.  Weird bull/bug demon thing.  Ready to TPK your party and give you as the DM a well deserved session off.  I can finally mow my lawn.  I took this video immediately after finishing this mini so please ignore the base, I still need to do some touch ups.  I'll probably also end up adding some more gloss for a slick, gross look.

Here's what you'll need:
  • superglue
  • craft knife
  • hot glue gun
  • toothpicks
  • dollar store animals (whatever you can find)
  • a base
  • primer, paints, sealer, washes
  • a sense of imagination 
Seriously though, this is going to largely depend on what animals you can find and what kind of demon you want to make.  Mine is a combo of a cow, giant ants, scorpion claws, fly wings, and a few other random bits.  Most of which came from a pack of farm animals and a pack of insects that each cost a dollar.  I'd recommend working with whatever cheap stuff you can find, or worst case, carve things out of hot glue.

Wash your toys with soap and water first.  If you don't wash them first you'll have a bad time painting them later.  Then, cut up your cheap, rubber toys with your craft knife and stick them back together in any combination with your superglue. Seriously, ANY combo.  Like some weird, grotesque LEGO set.  As always you can use hot glue for fill or to add texture.  Toothpicks make for good random spikes that all demons seem to have.  Fashion over function I suppose for the demonic hordes.

Once it's assembled, prime it, paint it (and a wash but that's optional) and stick it on a base. I used a 2x2 inch base, making it a large creature.  That too can change depending on your demon. But that's basically it!  Enjoy your new demonic Frankenstein('s monster.)
