Welcome to the very first Reasonable Creations! Thanks for stopping by. The whole point of this is to showcase my passionate (but terrible) miniature crafting. Are you sick of seeing posts on Reddit that go something like "I took some toilet paper rolls and some organic dirt from my yard and made a red dragon" and the final picture looks better than the official minis? Me too. Hate it. None of that here. Everything I make will be accessible and doable by 99% of crafters. Using dollar store supplies and random junk, let's make some terrible but totally functional miniatures!
For my first ever post I thought I'd show something that I made quite awhile ago. If you like making minis, odds are pretty good that you're also a DM or GM. Me too. Have your players ever taken your campaign off the rails? Of course they have. They're players. They live to make those six pages of dialogue and those 2 hand-drawn maps useless scraps behind your screen. If you're not running a game - well too bad, I'm only doing one intro.
This mini was made after my party took a passing mention of Xvarts and decided to start stalking them. Why? Because I'm a credit to DMs everywhere and made them seem interesting. That or players just love stupid NPCs sometimes. Enough chatter, let's see this thing.
Look at that adorably ugly thing. He's ready to herd some rats or whatever it is Xvarts do. My players loved him and then promptly killed him. And his family. And his pets.
The best part is he was ridiculously easy to make.
Here's what you need:
- toothpicks
- hot glue gun
- a couple pennies or small washers
- cheap craft paints
- a cheap varnish (totally optional)
That's it. Humans are 70% water. This purple weirdo is 70% hot glue.
Step 1: Break some toothpicks down to size and glue them together into tiny skeleton.
Step 2: Hot glue everything. Make the legs first and work up from there, adding any details you want ( I added receding hair.)
Step 3: Add the sword. I used a scrap piece of a reaper bones sword but you could use any scrap plastic or toothpick. Doesn't need to be a sword, get creative.
Step 3: Add the sword. I used a scrap piece of a reaper bones sword but you could use any scrap plastic or toothpick. Doesn't need to be a sword, get creative.
Step 4: Make a base using the pennies or washers for weight. That way the mini will stand on its own on a 1" x 1" grid. I chose just to hot glue everything again to keep the same texture.
Step 5: Paint it up. Wait a bit and then seal it if you're going to use sealer.
Step 6: Amaze your incredibly easy to impress players.
All in all it probably took me an hour to make. I probably didn't even need to explain how to make it. Look at that cute, blobby trash-monster. You could have figured it out. But hey, here we are.
And that's it! If you read this far, thank you. I'm going to continue creating and sharing these creations on a semi-regular basis.
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