Custom Dice Tray for Cheap

  Welcome back, this time around we're making something useful for the player instead of our usual stuff that tries to sneakily kill the party characters.  I know, it feels weird for me too.  But dice trays have gotten more and more popular lately and players love to use props, no matter what they are.  With that in mind I set out to make a cheap, functional dice tray that actually looks not terrible.

 This is a very simple build that's cheap, easy to make and works perfectly well.  You can add your own flair to it (like I did) or leave it simple and elegant.  It's mostly just Popsicle sticks but the player I made this for was very happy with it, and I like the idea of having removable decorations that you can swap out whenever you feel like it.  Without further ado, a dice tray:

  Pretty, right?  Obviously you can go with whatever color you want but I liked the purple and gold together.  Start by cutting a piece of cardboard or card-stock to size (to your preference) and then start cutting and gluing Popsicle sticks onto it.  I went with a common hardwood pattern.  Once that's done, add some legs (optional) using whatever you'd like.  I used dollar store wood bits.  Next, add the walls.  Be sure to make them high enough to catch the dice from rolling out.  Otherwise your dice tray will be useless.

  I also added a dollar store magnet to one corner and covered it with another piece of wood.  That way I can magnetize minis and place them on the tray for luck or decoration.  This particular player wanted a rat mini, so I crafted that as well and stuck a magnet on the bottom of it.  Finally, I stained the wooden tray using a purple wash (but you can just make your own wash using whatever color you'd like) and painted the bottom gold. Lastly I added some protection to the rolling area by layering PVA glue as a sealer, followed by a coat of matte varnish.  Enjoy putting your own twist on this one!

Completed Pic

Rat Familiar for luck


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