Ice to Meet You

Welcome back and I hope you're keepin' it chill.  Or something. Stay frosty?

 Frost giant.  It's a frost giant.

And a pic:

Cool.  Sorry.

It should be no surprise at this point that I love dollar stores.  Every once in while they get some great toys for minis.  I bought a whole line of wrestling action figures for one dollar each and this one had a great pose for a giant.  I decided on a working class frost giant, coming home from an honest day's work of hunting mountain goats.  Or something.  Frost giants are just big vikings usually.

What you'll need:
  • a dollar store toy figure
  • a dollar store toy animal
  • dollar store craft knife
  • mod podge (or any old white glue)
  • old corks
  • toothpicks
  • baking soda
  • dollar store hot glue and glue gun
  • dollar store super glue
  • old yarn or string
  • dollar store paints
  • basing material
As always with cheap toys WASH THEM CAREFULLY WITH SOAP AND WATER FIRST.  Your paints will thank you and you won't have to redo your entire paint job.  Which really sucks, trust me on that one.  I am a very slow painter and I hate having to repaint pieces.  Every time ruins my mood.

Now.  There's not a ton to explain here, as you have an entire action figure already, you mostly just cut the old base off, stick him on your new one and paint up the toy.  But I'll do a rundown of the other pieces anyway.

The legs of meat on his back are dollar store toy goats, cut up and super glued to dollar store hempen yarn.  The hemp yarn really looks like tiny rope.  His massive sledgehammer is made from toothpicks, a carved cork head, and hemp yarn wrapped around it all super-glued together.  The base is built up out of corks and covered by dollar store craft sand (mod podge and then dip the base in a bowl of the sand).  I also added some superglue and baking soda on the hammer handle just to give it some different metallic texture.

That's pretty much it!  All in all I'm very happy with the results.  I didn't expect it to turn out so well and I'm excited for my players to come across this giant.  As always feel free to leave any questions or comments about things I've forgotten.


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