Rusted Junk Scatter terrain

Welcome back to Reasonable Creations, the blog where I make homemade tabletop stuff for whatever game catches my fancy that day.  It varies alot.  This time around is a short one since it's all scatter terrain and random bits of scenery dressing.  This kind of thing is extremely simple to make.  You just find any old junk that has an interesting shape, add some details with hot glue and paint them to your needs.  Most of my scatter terrain is made from a drink tray, the building has been in a previous post and is just popsicle sticks and hot glue, and the bomb is cardboard with some toothpicks.  You really need very little to enjoy crafting useful objects. Just get to it!

Ork Bomb and Barrier (left), Road blocks (right)

And a video:

  Please ignore the altar in the back.  That's just my shelf of crafts.  Now.  Most of this is very self-explanatory.  Make some random, spiky shapes with broken popsicle sticks, stick some corks onto pieces of drink tray, paint it all silver and add some browns and rust colors.  Toss them around your game-board or battlefield and you've got scatter terrain.  If you need these builds right quick, you're in luck.  These builds take very little time and the longest part will be waiting for paint to dry.  Enjoy!
