Summoning A Blood God

Welcome back, this time around we're making a dual-purpose part of scenery.  This is a bit different than my normal stuff, I'd never done something this big before.  I also wanted it to be useful with my modular tiles (or at least used for more than one specific encounter) which is why it can be either a summoning circle or a sacrificial altar of some sort.  To that end, the base is also 10x7 inches so it can sit flush on a grid.  I decided not to add actual grid lines to the piece because it seemed like too much.  Anyway.  Here:

Whew.  There's lots going on with this one so I'm not sure how much I can outline the steps since I'm not sure what order I did it all in.  Much of the time was me experimenting with things (and they DID NOT all work.)  But most of the materials are things you could have lying around; except for one.  Most dollar stores sell hobby kits of wood pieces.  Some are for bird houses, others for crafts.  I found some large circles that worked perfectly for this build.  However if you can't get ahold of these you'll have to find some other circular base (two of them) for this prop.

What you'll need:
  • card-stock or cardboard
  • glass beads (or just grab some small rocks from outside)
  • Popsicle sticks
  • tooth picks
  • yarn or string (mine was dollar store hemp yarn)
  • dollar store hot glue and super glue (lots)
  • corks
  • mod podge
  • dollar store paints and brushes
  • decent primer and sealer (optional)
  • other random scatter bits and summoning items (I used bits I had sitting in my bits bin as well as dollar store toy animals- sorry sheep)
  • if there's anything I missed that you're not sure about feel free to ask in a comment!
I started by gluing the circular base together.  A circle goes on the bottom, the rocks are glued onto the inside for weight.  Then the Popsicle sticks were cut and turned into supports and the other circle was put on top. Next I broke up the corks for rocks and glued them on. Next the card-stock base was glued to the wooden circle. You could always skip the card-stock base and simply make the circle if you want it easier/quicker.  The circle drawing as well as all the blood is just hot glue.  The spikes are toothpicks.  Assemble to your liking.

Next paint it up.  Then mod podge a few layers onto the blood pool for a watery effect.  LASTLY hot glue the yarn onto the model.  Be careful when gluing the yarn onto the spikes if you choose to do so.  I messed up the first one pretty badly- can you tell which one that is?

I think that's it.  Again, I apologize if I missed things, this one was not my usual build.  Good luck!

Bonus Pic
