Welcome back, this time we are making another giant from a dollar store wrestler toy! I probably won't make the whole spectrum of giant types simply because they'd get fairly repetitive except for the colors. Obviously any of the techniques used here will also work for fire, stone, storm...uhh. Slag? Cloud? Sure. Those. Anyway, hope you enjoy this hunk of hill giant:
Not bad if I do say so myself. My one regret is that I totally forgot that most hill giants are, well, gross. They're obese, crude slobs who aren't all that bright. Maybe this dude is their personal trainer or something. I gave him some very basic, crude weapons to reflect the lack of intellect and skill. But if I had to do it again I would definitely add a massive hot glue belly to this build. It just would have fit better with the theme, but hey, that's personal preference. The rock satchel so he can throw boulders is a sort of theme for him anyway. But I'm rambling. Let's get to the how it was made.
What you'll need:
- dollar store toy figure
- dollar store paints
- dollar store hot glue
- dollar store superglue
- dollar store craft knife
- a wash (or a homemade wash)
- decent primer and sealer (optional)
- toothpicks
- a piece of card-stock
- an old cork
- 2 bits of gravel or sand (or just use hot glue)
- spare plastic bits from the toy base (or Popsicle sticks as a substitute)
- basing materials
First off, using your knife you'll take off the old base, any modern bits and any obvious mold lines or writing. Next I super-glued the toothpick for his weapon, some bits of toothpick on his leg for random tools (and texture), and a strip of cut card stock which I looped around the toy for his sack strap. Then add the spikes to the weapon head. Once that dries, add the bits to the strap for metal pieces using any spare plastic or just hot glue blobs. Lastly the satchel. Depending on your material, cut or shape it into 3 separate sides of what is essentially a large "quiver" for stones. Superglue them onto the back leaving an open top so that you can glue the broken up corks into it. After that figure out your base and glue your mini to the base. My base is a reaper base (huge size, 3"x3") with some Popsicle sticks on top for wood texture. Nice and simple.
Finally just paint it up. Enjoy RPing a real dumb but real buff hill giant.
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